Mother Nature

As crazy as it sounds, our avocado trees produce a range of fruit sizes, shapes and even mottled skins. Weather has a part to play, bugs and even nutrition. But inside, most of them are still creamy and delicious. So we’re on a mission to introduce you to smaller, too large even, misshapen, and unsightly - and find ways they can still be used.

As part of this, we also want to give back to our local environment - Tapora Land and Coast Care Group are is our regional environmental group, It does all of the planting, supporting birdlife and very importantly pest and predator control in the area. Find out more about them here.

1% of our Net Profit will go to them, and if we think we can afford more we will be doing so.

We respect everything that has been grown and want to find ways that there is less wastage in produce.

It’s not a new idea, but it is one we all need to become comfortable with and enjoy.

You’ll notice The Avo Keeper Oil, is created with a distinctive bottle, made for keeping. We have also produced refill pouches of 1 litre that will refill these four times. This means less wastage, but also less in making and transportation.